We don't charge ขาย เสื้อทีม by the day. If they're going for Halloween, they could take it a week or two ahead. Do the rentals come back in decent เสื้อทีม shape? Wilson: When the men's long pants from the '70s come back, we have to scrub the bottoms or cut them out. We often find melted candy in a pocket or makeup on a suit. We wash everything or send it to a ร้าน เสื้อทีม facebook dry cleaner. I spray the shoes inside with Lysol. Find anything better than candy in those pockets? Wilson: We find condom wrappers. And one time we rented white '70s pants to a guy. They came back.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.cleveland.com/mycleveland/index.ssf/2016/10/post_21.html

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